Sensors data is collected and uploaded to our API archives every five minutes. The API accepts the sensor data and serves as the basis for the graphical display of maps used on the site.
The primary way to access sensor data is via API endpoints. Currently, you can access our API using:
Provides all measurements from the last 5 minutes for one sensor. This data is only available if the sensor is publicly accessible.
Provides all measurements from the last 5 minutes for all publicly accessible sensors.
Provides all measurements from the last 5 minutes for all publicly accessible sensors filtered by a query.
Supported queries are:
= {city}
: Separated list of cities i.e nairobi
= {country name}
: Separated list of countries i.e. KE, TZ, NG, ZA, ...
= {sensor type}
: Separated list of sensor types, i.e SDS011
, DHT22
Provides all measurements for all publicly accessible sensors stored in our database.
Provides all measurements for all supported cities
Provides air data with city query from = {YYYY - mm - dd}&to = {YYYY - mm - dd}&value_type={P1, P2, temperature, humidity}
Provides all sensors node data including if the sensor was moved and where
Provides averages of all measurements per sensor of the last 5 minutes for all sensors
Provides average of all measurements per sensor of the last hour
Provides average of all measurements per sensor of the 24 hours
Provides average of all measurements per sensor of the last 5 minutes for dust sensors
Provides average of all measurements per sensor of the last 5 minutes for temperature, humidity and air pressure sensors only
For a more detailed documentation on how to access API data , visit the sensors.AFRICA WIKI
In addition to sensor data accessible via the API, data is also exported once a day in CSV file format and made available at the sensors.AFRICA Air Quality Archive
Here is some useful information about Air and Noise Polution.
The primary way to embed sensors.AFRICA city widgets is via iframes. There are three embedable city widgets:
City Sensors Map
Embed it in a page where: city-slug=nairobi
<iframe src="" name="sensors-graph-nairobi" title="sensors.AFRICA | Nairobi Sensors Map" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="500px" width="800px" allowfullscreen />
City Weekly Air Quality Graph
Embed it in a page where: city-slug=nairobi
<iframe src="" name="sensors-graph-nairobi" title="sensors.AFRICA | Nairobi Weekly AQ Graph" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="500px" width="800px" allowfullscreen />
City PM2.5 24 Hours Exposure Dial
Embed it in a page where: city-slug=nairobi
<iframe src="" name="sensors-dial-nairobi" title="sensors.AFRICA | Nairobi AQ Dial" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="400" width="100%" allowfullscreen />